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 Little Moo Coo Halters LLC, is a woman owned business founded in October of 2023. It all began when I couldn't find a cattle halter that could fit my registered Dexters just right. They were always too big, too long, too short or too small. No matter the brand I just couldn't get them to fit comfortably and correctly. I then noticed I wasn't the only one struggling with what I call the Goldilocks' effect, too small-too big-just doesn't fit correctly, with the halters that were on the market.


So I did some research, talked with some other Dexter breeders and owners. I bought the hardware and webbing and went to sewing on my home sewing machine. I sent my prototype halters to my Dexter breeder friends and waited for their feedback. Their feedback was amazing, and we agreed my prototype halters were the sizes that were needed and the high quality I expect from my products.


I am dedicated to providing exceptional products and services for miniature and small cattle owners, breeders and exhibitors.


At Little Moo Coo Halters LLC, we specialize in creating cattle halters that will be comfortable, long lasting and have an exceptional fit on your miniature and small cattle. Our mission is to meet the unique needs of miniature and small cattle owners and help them achieve success in their endeavors. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

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